Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today was a big day for both of the boys.  Colton got off of cpap and went to the nasal cannula!  He is tolerating it very well.  He also had his first bottle today and drank the whole thing.(which surprised the doctor!)  They took the tube that used to feed him out of his mouth and put one down his nose.  For now he is only having one bottle feeding a day and the rest through the tube, so he doesn't get too tired or stressed out.  In the future when he is having more bottle feedings they will also use the tube to give him what he can't finish so he will still get all his nutrition.  He weighs 3lbs and 15oz today.  We also found out that tentatively his surgery to reverse his ostomy is set for the first week in December.  They will do a test before to make sure everything is ok.  Jackson got reintubated this morning with a bigger et tube.  He had a large air leak that was preventing him from getting ventilated properly.  It went well and proved to be a good thing because he has been on a lower setting of oxygen all day and his heart rate is not dropping when he gets upset.  The swelling is still on our problem list but we know it will get better with time.  The infectious disease doctor stopped by today and said things look good.  He did say that about 48 hours after his last dose of antibiotics he will order another set of blood cultures.  He wants to make sure the antibiotics are not hiding a bigger, badder bug which he said happens rarely but still wants to be on the safe side and check.  So today was full of changes for them and they did great!

Colton's first bottle feeding

Passed out after a long day!

Resting well and saving energy to get better

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