Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It has been a rough couple of days for Jackson. We ended up giving him the high dose steriods again last night to hopefully bring his blood pressure up. This morning he has had slight improvement because he is at 16mcg on the dopamine and his bp is stable. The doctor thinks a 5-6 day course of the dexamethasone is the way to go and try to finally get him over this or at least get him on the right track. His urine output is still low but improved from yesterday. The higher his bp is the more perfusion his kidneys get and the better they work. Hopefully we get bigger wet diapers today. They started elevating his head 45 degrees so the swelling is going with gravity and his little legs and feet are so puffy. I can't wait to get all the fluid off him so he can be comfortable again. He is still doing well with his oxygen until he has a procedure done. He was on 33% with the nitric at 5 when I called last, but they are about to do another eye exam so expect it to be up when I get there. We are just praying the steriods help this time so our little guy can get better. Colton is doing pretty good but he has been slowly going up on his oxygen from 25% to 50% at times. His Monday lab work showed he is anemic and that can be the cause of him needing more oxygen. They are going to check labs again on Thursday to see if he needs a blood transfusion. The dr is giving his body a chance to come up on his own but if it doesn't then he will get the transfusion. His oxygen this morning was at 35% through 1 liter on the nasal cannula, so that's not too bad. They are going to try to go up on his feedings today to 30cc every 3 hours and hopefully he can handle it. He lost 6grams last night so he still weighs 4lbs 4oz. He should also have his eye exam today as well or at least they have always done them on the same day in the past. So far the results have always been the same with no ROP but because of their age they always check them again in a week. So hopefully week number 4 is the same!

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